September 12, 2018

EasyReport license removal manual

This function is used if you want to remove a license from one computer and install the license on another computer.

The function is supported starting with EasyReport v13.4

If you are using an older version of the program, you must first install the latest version (Help -> Check updates).

To remove a license you must complete the following steps:

1) Prepare your Activation code.

Activation code can be found on the website, by login to your license activation page.

To remove a license, you must have License Nr and Password:

2) Run the utility License Removal EasyReport.

The utility is in the Start -> SensMax -> EasyReport

3) In the opened window you need to select Remove license, enter your Activation code and press Continue.

4) The following window will show the Removal code. Please keep this code, it will be required in the future.

5) Now you need to delete the license in the activation center.

Go to the website, and enter Removal code, obtained in the previous step.

After completing all these steps, your license will be deleted. Now you can activate the license on any other computer.